Are you worth your medal?
12:13 AM | Author: Jon ong
Well tomorrow is a big day...
A "friendly" game between chempaka, Metro and S.o.R(which we won at sports day soo if we lose really no face)

The big news is that Adam sprained his right ankle(there goes our main player -_-' )
IT WAS HUGE!!!Ill get the pictures next time a post it
anyway abit lazy to type type type sooo... the pictures will do the talking

heres the lame man. literally...

i look soo tall

alright thats all for today imma head of to bed and get some rest for tomorrow

Taxi to ma grave
12:13 AM | Author: Jon ong
1 fine morning
well,not very fine when u wake up and realize ur late for something.

woke up and went to take a bath and brushing my teeth at the same time(which really saves times if ur in a rush).grab my clothes and OUT the door! erm wait...IN the door put my clothes on and OUT the door! and find a taxi

Me: erm kota damansara
Indian taxi man:errr..ok
soo i get in the taxi, and as soon as the car moves.THE WHOLE BLOODY DASHBOARD SHAKES! and soon the wheel goes *EK~KE~EK~KE~EK~KE PAK!* ok it didnt really went PAK, but it was still EK-KEING,bad enough.

And if that wasn't enough, he had a "Need for Speed". soo his driving fast with his "all so cool" manual taxi with 1 hand on the gearbox and the other at the wheel, green light and the sounds of vroom, ek-ke ek-ke, and my favorite the shaking dashboard, so i put on ma safety belt on and his there looking at me. soo in my mind i was saying "WTH dude!The road man i know u think your cool with your shades and loud indian music, and if im late it wont cost me a limb or my life".
few minutes later, I was at church.
and pay the fee and right OUT the taxi! thanking God that im still in 1 peice.

That was a taxi that im never getting again.

well,im out
